Sunday, May 19, 2013

Watergate 5Ws

Who-  Richard Nixon was president at the time. The five Burglars were James W. McCord Jr, Bernard Barker, Frank Sturgis, Virgilio Gonzalez and Eugenio Martinez.

What- 5 burglars were arrested while they were stealing secret documents in the Watergate Building. The burglars were caught by a security guard who walked by the room.

When- The Watergate Burglaries happened on May 28 and June 17, 1972. The Burglaries happened around Nixon's second election.

Where- The Watergate Burglaries occurred at the Watergate hotel. The Watergate hotel is in Washington D.C.

Why- Nixon hired thieves to steal documents about the competitors campaign for the upcoming election, He needed the documents to get better campaign techniques.

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